Wednesday, February 25, 2015


Many of you will recall my asking for prayer for Jennifer's (Beaufortbelle) sweet daughter Brooke. Brooke's journey of battling Hodgkins Lymphoma started back in September of 2014.  At a time when she should have been doing what every recent college grad hopes and plans to do, interview and get their first "real" job.

Instead, she found herself in the midst of the most intense battle of her life to date. And, coming to terms with the word CANCER.  Being stuck with needles-too many times to recall, receiving her port to make treatments easier (well, less invasive...let's be truthful here...nothing about CANCER nor its treatments is easy), rounds of CHEMO, hospitalizations (which included extended stays in the E.R. because there were no rooms available), set backs due to illness from a weakened immune system in the midst of flu season, followed by radiation.

During Brooke's most recent hospital stay, she had a visit from a sweet therapy dog.

Throughout this entire process, Brooke showed more poise and grace than anyone I know.  She continued to smile, to "worry" about others, and give of herself when she could.  That is just Brooke. Kind, Caring, Gracious, Compassionate, Giving.  Believe you me, it can all be verified by reading the comments her friends left on her Caring Bridge site.

On January 21st of this year, Brooke was able to announce to the world and all those who had been praying for her that she was indeed in REMISSION! Praise God.

That did not mean difficult days were over.  One more hospitalization and radiation treatments were in order.

Again, Brooke showed grace and courage through it all.

Outside the Duke Cancer Center after her last treatment.

Attending the Duke/UNC game to celebrate!!

I know you are all probably wondering where I am going with all this.  I will tell you...

Brooke will be participating in RELAY for LIFE in April.  She will walk with her friends and fellow supporters from her Alma Mater, Wingate University.

Brooke is currently raising money for the event.

Let's face it.  Unfortunately, we all know someone who has been affected by CANCER.  I personally long for the day I never have to hear that word uttered to anyone ever again!!!

And, while we feel helpless most of the time there is something we CAN do...and that is give.  Give so that more research can be done, better screenings developed, more advanced treatments, and finally and the most important reason of all is a CURE!!

I am including a link to Brooke's Relay for Life page.  Give if you feel led to.  If not for Brooke, than give in honor or memory of someone else you do personally know.  As I mentioned earlier, we all have been touched in some way by CANCER.

Brooke's Bag N Cancer Page

Thank you and God Bless!


Laura said...

I have tears in my eyes. What a survivor! Go Brooke! Go God!!

bj said...

Prayers for this beautiful young woman..
And a thank you prayer to you for posting about this. :)
I want to help....

Leslie Harris said...

what an amazing young woman. Thanks for sharing her story and creating a well of positive prayers and wishes for her. I would love to help.

Linda @ Life and Linda said...

God bless Brooke. She is a trooper indeed. Yes that deadly "C" word sure makes it's rounds. Let's hope she can put that disease behind her and enjoy the life she was meant to live. xo

Unknown said...

Thank God!! I personally know a hodgkins survivor and over 20 years later, he still is going strong. I will continue to pray for her!

Blondie's Journal said...

Brooke is a strong, spirited and brave girl. I admire how she has dealt with this disease with grace and courage. I wish her all the best in her endeavors to bring to light the need for cancer support. I will pray for her. I've lost so many people to this insidious disease and I keep a link on my sidebar for cancer research info and support. I believe this is where hope lies.

Love to you and Brooke!

Jane x

Preppy Empty Nester said...

What a brave young lady. A true inspiration. So happy to hear she is doing well.

Christy @ 11 Magnolia Lane said...

God bless her--that is so amazing. Thanks for sharing her story!

Karena said...

Lauren, Brooke is such a strong and gracious young lady. My love and prayers are with her!

The Arts by Karena

Jamie said...

Sending positive thoughts her way.

Lynda said...

Lauren, Thank you so much for sharing my beautiful Grandangels story. She is my hero and truly is an inspiration to so many. I'm in awe of the support she has received during her illness but I should not be because she is such a caring loving person and folks just returned all that care and love.

Ron said...

WHat an amazing young lady! I miss you. Where have you been?

Gypsy Heart said...

An amazing young lady indeed! Thank God that she's doing so well! The treatments are horrendous for one's body and for her to handle it so well says a lot about her. I will keep her in prayer! From my experience with Chemo Angels she's a trooper and I so hope the relay goes well.
