Saturday, September 27, 2014

While I Wait~

Still no word.  I was told it could be Monday, and Monday it shall be.  Yesterday was hard...the waiting, being hopeful for word, and then 5 o'clock came and went.

I am still clinging to a quote I stumbled upon just a few weeks ago, "I do not know what tomorrow holds, but I know who holds tomorrow." And, He does.

Also, this verse...

And, this song...

I find my hope in Him.

Thank you for your continued prayers and sweet words of encouragement.


Karena said...

Waiting is so difficult, try to do something special just for YOU this weekend, Lauren!

The Arts by Karena

Brandi said...

Sweet Lauren, I've been thinking about you. I know the unknown is hard. Hope you can rest your mind and enjoy the weekend with your family.

Beaufort Belle said...

I was getting ready to text you to see if you heard. I am believing the longer the wait the better the news. Keeping up my prayers! Perfect verse.

XOXO Jennifer

Beautifully Seaside // Formerly Chic Coastal Living said...

Love that scripture and what a beautiful song... XOXOXO

Gypsy Heart said...

Waiting is so difficult! Perhaps it is to give us time to strengthen our faith and continue thanking God for his blessings.
