Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2014~Be Still

New Year's Eve, already???

The older I get, or what I really should say is, the older our girls get...the faster time seems to go by.

2013 brought a lot of the same, and then some very big changes as well.

For the past several years, I have chosen just one word for the New Year.  In years past, I would make the long list of resolutions like most only to find that by mid-January I already felt like a complete failure.  So, I decided to be a little easier on myself. One simple word.

I realized last year that several of the "BIG" changes we all experienced in our lives came after we took time to stop and listen, to just be STILL.

After listening to ourselves, our hearts, our bodies, we made several changes.  Our oldest left a good paying job to pursue her dream of being a teacher, the youngest and I finally decided to quit taking our doctor's word for our health issues as the final say and found new doctors whom diagnosed many of the things we had already "known".  And in a rare, quiet moment over the Thanksgiving holiday...I took the time to listen to a gentle nudge from God...and because of that a little boy was diagnosed before any long term damage to his heart was done.

I chose to be "STILL" this year because I have found everything else just follows suit.  When I take the time to calm my heart, my mind, my body...the other things that normally would be on the "list" fall into place.  I am a better person, I am happier, I am more focused, I am more mindful of what I say and do, I am more prayerful, I am more intentional, I am healthier, and the list continues.

"The Lord will fight for you, you only need be still."  Exodus 14:14

Thank you for following along on this journey with me.  I love reading your comments and following along on your blogs as well.

Wishing you all a Happy and Safe New Year, and many blessings for 2014!


Vicki @ lifeinmyemptynest said...

Happy New Year! Here's to a great 2014 and many more of those "still" moments you wrote about :-)

Dixie Delights said...

I just wanted to say how much I have enjoyed becoming friends this year. All the best to you and yours in 2014! xo

Val said...


emily said...

What a lovely post. Happy New Year!

Ron said...

I just wanted to stop by and let you know how much I appreciate your blog friendship over this year. Thanks for the comments over the year. Cheers to 2014. Happy New Year! xo

designchic said...

Such a great reminder. Wishing you all the best in 2014!!

Allison said...

Happy New Year to you Lauren!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Dearest Lauren, thank you for sharing your thoughts here; this has been a wonderful experience, learning to connect to others while connecting to ourselves! May your new year be filled with the flexibility of heart and mind in order to embrace change. I too doubt, worry and wonder how I fit into this quickly changing world around me, and then come back to ask a question....a question I hope to pose for my next post!

BE WELL, and thank you for the blogging adventure! Anita

Anne said...

Happy New Year to you and your family Lauren! Still is a great word:)

NanaDiana said...

Happy New Year, Lauren. That is a perfect word...still. Something we should all practice! I have never chosen a word for the year but I think I might do that this year. Blessings- xo Diana

Leslie said...

Yes Lauren:) Be Still. You're right! We go, go, go.. and sometimes forget to just BE and listen. Happy New Year to you!

Janis@All Things Beautiful said...

Beautifully said! I too love that verse, and desire to be more still in 2014. I actually am planning on making something for my entryway with those exact words.
I so look forward to getting to know you and your blog better!!

Unknown said...

I love that scripture in exodus! Happy new year :)

Beautifully Seaside // Formerly Chic Coastal Living said...

I love that scripture. The Lord gave me that and another, be still and know that I am God. So powerful! The Lord is with you... XO