
About Me

Hello Y’all,

Welcome to Simply LKJ.  I was born a Yankee, but the South and Sweet Tea stole my heart.  I have been married to my best friend for 30 years, and we are the proud parents of two beautiful daughters, ages 24 and 28.  We are living life in this empty nest.

Simplify, Organize, Eat and Design pretty much sums up what my blog is all about.  I am all about simplifying things-I tend to have a less is more attitude.  I LOVE to organize…my best friend is my label maker!  EAT…well, who doesn’t like to eat?  My husband loves to cook (yes-hate me now) and we love sharing recipes here on the blog.  Design-I love beautiful rooms that function well.

So, take a look around and be sure to say Hello!



  1. Sigh... I am a Southern girl at hear too, despite being Canadian born and living back here again! But my years living in northern Virginia truly showed me a beautiful way of life and both my family and I miss it dreadfully!

    Still can't believe you are an almost empty nester :)

  2. I was born in NJ and summered on the Cape but now live in VA. A bunch of my "southern" friends think I might be a southern gall at heart. So glad I found your blog today!

  3. WHAT!?!?! I would have guessed you were 30!! Thanks for following me...I will follow you as well!

  4. Hey Lauren!! Thanks SO much it all your sweet & encouraging comments on my blog!! I'm so happy to have met a new friend & fellow blogmate!! ;) I'm so new at this so you'll have to tell me where a follow button is on here!! :)

  5. Lauren- Just left comment and then couldn't find your first name.

    You had me at label maker!


I look forward to hearing from you~Lauren