
Monday, May 25, 2015

Our Baby is a College Graduate!

On May 15th, we had the privilege of watching our baby girl walk across the stage at the Ferrell Center and receive her diploma.

The hard work paid off!

She received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communication Sciences Disorders from Baylor University in 3 years!!!!!  And graduated Cum Laude.  Actually, was .05 from graduating Magna Cum Laude. However, graduating with honors, many 4.0 semesters, while serving in a sorority, hours of community service and working part-time at a local church serving many special needs children, is nothing short of AHHHMAZING!

We could not be more proud.

Proud mom and dad!

Could not have moved her home without this gem!!

The smile from ear to ear says it all!

This girl loves Theta and Lilly!

The "signature" pose!

Time to turn that ring around!  

She will further her studies come fall, wearing orange!  Quite a change from the green and gold.  She plans to earn her Masters in Speech Pathology, and land her dream job of working on a cranial facial team working with children born with cleft palates.  A worthy ambition!

She was and continues to be a bright light for her Heavenly Father wherever she goes.

Proud of you sweet girl!!

My husband and I are often asked how we mananged to raise two girls who were extremely focused and both of whom graduated early?  Our answer,  "find your God given talent/passion, embrace it, work hard for it, and pray ALOT!!"

We can't wait to see what this new chapter holds for both of our girls.


  1. Great photos - congratulations as she starts this new phase of her life :-)

  2. How exciting! Congrats to your daughter! I am sure she has a bright future ahead. My oldest will graduate this summer in nursing Can't wait!

  3. Lauren, Congratulations to you and your daughter!! YOU did it! Wishing your daughter all the best with all that's ahead:)

  4. I'm crying, Lauren! So, so proud of her myself! I hope (and pray) that I can be just half the mom you are! Love you!

  5. Love to see that Tennessee orange! Go Vols!

    And as someone born with cleft lip and palate, give your daughter a big hug for me. It warms my heart to hear of people wanting to help cleft children!

  6. Wow Lauren congrats to your daughter on her amazing achievement! Gorgeous photos:)
    ~Anne xx

  7. Congratulations Lauren! And good luck to your daughter with her next adventure. Great pictures of you guys!

  8. Congrats! I know you are all so proud of your daughter and the good she has yet to do!

  9. She sounds like an awesome young woman, and I know the feeling of pride you have - nothing like it in the world! She definitely made the most of her time at Baylor. Congratulations to all of you!!

  10. Wow - congratulations! Great pictures too!

  11. Hi Lauren I've been meaning to stop by and congratulate you on raising such a special young woman. She is beautiful inside and out and I wish her the very best as she embarks on her real life dreams.

  12. Dear Lauren I know you are so proud and it is such an accomplishment. Yes, on to the next chapter for all!!

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  13. That's so exciting! Congratulations! God bless her on her new adventures!

  14. OOO, how beautiful she is...and so is her mama.
    Congrats to her and wishing her all the good luck and happiness.
    hugs, bj

  15. WOW! That's really great news
    I think that you were sharp student in your class
    Thanks for sharing and Congratulations!
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  16. Congratulations! What a wonderful accomplishment and an exciting time for all of you. I always say Baylor was the best decision I made because it is where I got my education and met my husband. Love that monogrammed cap--why didn't I think of that?

  17. look like the GRADUATE! You are young, wow, are you YOUNG!

    Congratulations to your daughter and enjoy the summer! Thank you so much for welcoming me back to blogging today! Anita

  18. Lauren congratulations to your daughter!! I can see why you are so proud of her! Best wishes to her in her next chapter.


I look forward to hearing from you~Lauren