
Wednesday, July 23, 2014

What for Dinner Wednesdays~

Well, this one actually was lunch...but would be perfect for a light summer dinner as well.  Due to my tomato allergy, I have to get creative with my pizzas.  And, they have to be gluten free.  Fun, I know.  California Pizza Kitchen (CPK) offers a gluten free crust.  I usually get their white pizza, but sub the crust for gluten free and do okay.  As a summer special they came out with a Tricolore' pizza...a parmesan, garlic and olive oil crust topped with a spring salad mix and balsamic vinaigrette.

Today, I decided to create my own version.  It was super simple and so yummy.  Kinda like eating flatbread with your salad.


Udi's frozen thin crust pizza crust
Organic mixed spring greens
Annie's Naturals balsamic dressing
Olive oil
Minced garlic
Garlic powder

Place crust on a pizza pan.  Drizzle or spritz ( I have a mister) crust with olive oil.  Sprinkle with a bit of garlic powder, parmesan cheese and minced garlic.  Bake as directed (about 5-7 minutes).  In the meantime, wash greens and pat dry (my salad spinner broke).  Toss greens with balsamic dressing to lightly coat.  Once the crust is done, cut it BEFORE adding the salad topping.  I just find this works better.  Top the crust with the salad.  It is that easy.

I am always looking for quick and easy summertime meals to make.



  1. Love the simplicity of this Lauren....great summer recipe:)

  2. This looks and sounds delish! It's really perfect for summer and easy too. Thanks so much for sharing!


  3. Pizza is my favorite food group. I'd be in serious trouble if I had a tomato allergy! Yikes! But this recipe looks fabulous and makes a great argument for sauce-less pizza!

  4. Such a creative option when you need gluten free. I love balsamic..

  5. It looks just as yummy here as it does on IG!! Gotta try this!

  6. Simple, delicious and GF: a total winner!

  7. First of all, WOW, you came to my link FAST!!!! And....this is a great way to enjoy the love of pizza my friend. Tomato allergy? BUMMER....I can't eat cheese, and I'm watching the amount of bread I'm eating, so I guess both of us need to be creative! I made mini pizzas the other day with HUGE portabello mushrooms as the "crust" - pretty fabulous!

    THANK YOU FOR COMING! Enjoy the rest of this beautiful day! Anita

  8. Now this looks SO good and totally doable! I didn't know Udi's made a GF crust just by itself (I thought you could only buy the ready-made pizza!) Need to try this!!

  9. That looks awesome! Have you ever tried The Grain-less Baker's pizza crust? That is by far my daughter's fav!

  10. We ate a lot of pizza this summer. Glad you found a recipe that works for you.

  11. Yum! I am loving organic pizzas! xo Nancy


I look forward to hearing from you~Lauren