
Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas and Santa's Christmas Prayer~

Wishing you and yours a
very Merry Christmas!

Santa's Christmas Prayer

On Christmas Eve the other night
I saw the most amazing sight,
For there beneath the Christmas tree
Was Santa kneeling on his knee.
His countenance was different than
That all-familiar, jolly grin;
His head was bowed, with hand to breast,
And slightly tucked into his vest.
For there in a nativity
Was Jesus and His family,
And as I heard him start to pray
I listened close to what he'd say.
"Lord, You know that You're the reason
I take pleasure in this season.
I don't want to take Your place,
But just reflect Your wondrous grace.
I hope You'll help them understand
I'm just an ordinary man,
Who found a way to do Your will
By finding kids with needs to fill.
But all those centuries ago,
There was no way for me to know
That they would make so much of me,
And all the gifts beneath the tree.
They think I have some hidden power
Granted at the midnight hour,
But it is my love for You
Inspiring the things I do.
And so when they begin to open
Gifts for which they have been hoping,
May they give You all the glory,
For You're the One True Christmas story."

May we all remember the true meaning of Christmas this season!


  1. This is so brought tears of joy and love to my eyes. This is such a special time of year.
    Each year on Christmas day, along with so many things I thank HIM for, I thank HIM for letting me spend another Christmas with my family. One never knows, from one year to the next, if we'll still be here....and especially at my olden age.
    Have a blessed and full of fun Christmas.

  2. What a beautiful prayer, Lauren!! Hope you are having a wonderful Christmas with you hubby and beautiful girls!!

  3. What a beautiful prayer! Merry Christmas Lauren to you and your family!

  4. Merry Christmas Lauren, may this day be filled with extra special blessings for you and all your loved ones!

  5. I hope you had a wonderfully Merry Christmas!

  6. Hi Lauren, Your family is beautiful and I'm so glad everyone was able to be together. Such creative gift ideas! The etched glasses are a great idea and I agree that something made with ones hands is best .. the meaning is so much more heart felt:)

    Wishing you and your family a happy and healthy New Year! xxL


I look forward to hearing from you~Lauren