
Sunday, December 30, 2012

Goodbye 2012, Hello 2013~

While most are reflecting on projects completed over the course of the past year or making New Year's resolutions...I decided I really needed to think of something that would make my life easier in the New Year.  While I have completed quite a few projects and accomplished more than I ever thought I would, I knew I needed to come up with something that would help me keep things in check (simplify and quality-my words for 2011 and 2012).

Hence...this came to mind:

Santa makes his list and checks it twice, so why not?  I have never been much of a list maker.  With that said...I do tend to think out loud (drives hubby crazy), but never put my thoughts on paper.  And, therefore my peri-menopausal brain forgets what I just thought about an hour ago!  

So this year, I have decided lists it is!  And, I have already started one.  A "kitchen" list...a list of things we either need to replace, upgrade, need (round cookie cutters according to my child who loves to bake but is away at college most of the year, LOL) or want (non-essentials, things that we save for).  

And, I think I may enlist the help of my Best Friend, MS (okay, I'm exaggerating...while I love her, she has no clue who I am) to get the job done.  Her products at Staples are awesome! Just saying...

Here's hoping for a less stressful, more organized, less forgetful New Year! (okay, at 44 the last is inevitable!)


  1. i am a huge list maker...i have too many lists, you should see some of the stuff i put on my lists but it gives me a lot of satisfaction to check off or mark through what i have written down.

    hope you had a wonderful christmas and many wishes for a happy new year!

  2. i like making lists!! i more like crossing things off it!

  3. Ha! I am with you on this!! Lists is the way to go. I need to do that too. I am glad you mentioned this as I thought it was just me (with my forgetfulness). I can completely relate (I will be 45 in May). ;)

  4. I love lists! And even more, I love checking things off! :)

  5. Such a great idea Lauren! I am a huge proponent of lists.. however I am know to misplace them. Perhaps I should switch to something other than a sticky note?

    Wishing you and your family all the best in the coming year! Happy New Year!! xxleslie

  6. Another list maker here! I've always made them. They help me prioritize. Sometimes I lose the list and have to start over. :) True.


I look forward to hearing from you~Lauren