
Sunday, March 27, 2011

It's Raining on Prom Night~

and boy did it EVER rain!!!  Torrential downpours, thunder, lightning, tornado watches, tornado warnings, hail (the size of baseballs in some areas) name it!

And, somehow my precious one managed to stay dry.  The child didn't so much as catch a drop of rain!  Lucky kid!!!

All I kept think about was Olivia Newton John's song, Raining on Prom Night.  So not fun.

I am thankful to their sweet, sweet limo driver Mr. Scruggs for getting them to dinner, to the event and back safely.  My sweet child insisted he must have a larger tip than originally planned as he was so cautious and sweet to them.  Let me tell, there were times when the rain was so bad you couldn't see two feet in front of you.

They had a wonderful time despite the weather!!

Okay, I know y'all want to see here are a few (we took a ton).

I think the smile says it all...

Big sis came home to surprise her and help her get ready!

They looked so sweet together!

Bond vs. Charlie's Angel (her sister's idea!) LOL

Everyone loved the "Bieber" hair! LOL

One of my favs, says it all...
The best part...they are two of the best kids in the world.  Smart, funny, and compassionate!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Tip toe~

through the tulips!

Our local Whole Foods had a special on beautiful tulip bunches from Virginia, and I couldn't resist!!  They add the perfect touch of springtime to our home.  I also purchased some ranunculus and a bunch of sunflowers (Trader Joes) earlier in the week.  We also added a living basil plant to our kitchen, it is a bunch of basil minus the dirt (you keep the roots moist).  I used an old pickle jar filled with water to keep ours, and we have been using it at mealtimes this week.  On fresh pizza, in salad, and tonight on grilled chicken breasts with orange and lemon drizzled with a bit of olive oil.

It is prom weekend, so we will be busy!  Will post pics on Monday.  But, for now enjoy a touch of spring!

You can spy another new accessory from West Elm on the mantle-love this candle holder!

I love the tangerine color of these!

Yellow-my all time favorite color for flowers and our Spring Chalkboard!

Sunflowers and Living Basil-yum!
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!  We are praying the rain stays north of here...prom is just not much fun in the rain!!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Experience Biltmore at Home~

Hi everyone!  I am excited to share a new up and coming company with each of you.  My dear friend Melissa will be a part of a brand new company, Biltmore Inspirations!  I am super excited about all of the goodies this company will have to offer through their at-home parties.  Melissa has also started a blog, Inspiration and Style, where she will share tips using their products.  Having been in Melissa's home, I can tell you, you will learn a lot from her. 

So, go check it out!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

The chairs started it!

Well, we have been quite busy around here the past few weeks.  With spring officially just around the corner, I am really pressing to get our interior projects completed.  I am looking forward to getting outdoors and digging in the dirt again!

If you remember, we recently moved our seagrass chairs from PB into our library downstairs, see here.  Well, that was the beginning of musical furniture and accessories in our home.  I had hoped to show you the new transformation of our family room this week, but a few of the accessories haven't arrived yet and one I had hoped to add I later found out is back ordered until JULY!

So, instead I will give you a sneak peek at a few items that did make it into the room. 

Recycled glass bottles from Home Goods.

New Ikat drapes from West Elm.
Some new accessories (picture frame-Kohls, bowl-Anthropology, plant (already owned)-Pottery Barn)
New clock from Pottery Barn

Suzani fabric that will be found on two pillows.

I am hoping the other items will arrive in the next few days, so hopefully I can reveal the room next week.  Hope everyone has a good weekend!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Ooooh, Aaaah~

No, not going there!

I don't normally post about beauty products, but I just HAD to share these new babies! (well, new to me)  I have terribly dry skin on my hands in the winter.  And, my sweet hubby is always on the lookout for something to help make it better.  So, he gave me this for Christmas...

And, while I was LOVING this lotion all by itself, a little trip to my local Aveda store the other day made me love it all the more when combined with these babies...

The key is to dampen your hands with a little water, apply a bit of the Caribbean Scrub (be sure to stir it well first), and scrub!  Rinse, then apply a dollop of the Hand Relief lotion into the palm of your hand along with a drop (yes, a single drop) of the Calming Composition Oil, and rub in like you would your normal hand lotion. 

The difference in my skin was visible immediately!  Gone were my rough dry hands, and in their place were smooth, dewy ones!!

While the products are a bit pricey (for some), it doesn't take much so it will last Foreva!  The scrub and the oil can also be used to sooth elbows, knees, and heels too!

I use them every other day in combo, and they have made such a difference!!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Thanks for the Shout Out~

I wanted to take this opportunity to thank two of the sweetest bloggers I know for featuring our entryway makeover recently, you can see it here.


Thank you both for the shout out!  I feel honored to be recognized along with so many other wonderful bloggers, and great projects.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

It started with a chair, then another...

Well, then another and another get the picture!

Sorry for the lack of posts lately, we have been busy playing musical furniture in our home! 

It started something like this,
Our girls, "those chairs you and dad bought for the TV room aren't comfortable for watching TV in!"
Me, "your father planned it that way."
Girls, "why?"
Their dad, "wouldn't want y'all getting too comfortable with your beaus while watching a movie!!"
Girls, "perfectly syncronized eye rolls!!" LOL

So, we had a loveseat in our study downstairs.  Quite a comfy loveseat I might add.  We never sat on it!  We moved it upstairs to the TV room, and brought the seagrass chairs downstairs to use in the library.  Well, the library already had two chairs!  One will be going to our daughter's apartment, the other??? Not sure yet. 

Okay, so you say...problem solved?!  Not really...we had a coffee table I absolutely loved in the study with the loveseat.  Well, you don't need a coffee table without a sofa /loveseat to go with.  I didn't want to part with it.  It found a new home in our family room.  Yes, I know what you are thinking...don't you already have a coffee table in your family room.  Why yes, we do, did.  It too will be going to above mentioned daughter's apartment. 

But wait, the not so new coffee table from the study now doesn't match our sofa table (one dark, one light stain).  What to do?  Why move old console table to wall that was in desperate need of something in the TV room upstairs and purchase a new one for the family room.  Done...well....not exactly.

You see after moving the seagrass chairs to the living room, I was REALLY loving the new look.  And, after painting my Granny's chest and lightening that up, I REALLY wanted to change the chairs in the dining room.  Okay, no biggie...I've painted them before, I'll paint 'em again. NOT!!  The paint was not taking, I sanded, and sanded and primed, and primed, and tried painting them but it just wasn't happening. 

I should mention said dining chairs are 20+ years old and have seen several cosmetic changes (in the form of fabrics on seat cushions and then paint several years back).  So, we decided they would go.  I took the 4 good ones to consignment along with two other side chairs that didn't really fit with our new style, and went and bought new ones!  I should tell you at this time, that my hubby came with a house full of furniture when we got married (I however, did not) so I was happy to get the dining room I've wanted after soon to be 23 years of wedded bliss!

Okay, enough talk.  Here's the befores of our dining room.

close up of painted chairs

Here's a glimpse of the seagrass chairs that started it all (I am still tweaking the library, so you only get a peek!).

And, the dining room with new seagrass dining chairs, new artwork above small bar, new chunky mirror, and new lamps. 

we purchased a new mirror to match our buffet console and new lamps
purchased a frame with burlap mat (PB) and added a blown up copy of our wedding invitation for new art

I still need to add a few more accessories (I ordered new burlap chandelier shades, but they haven't arrived yet, so don't mind the bare bulbs) and would love some live plants in the corners by the windows, but have to be careful choosing as Kylee might get into them.  Don't want to poison the dog...

I hope to be able to share updated pics of the TV room and library next week.  We are still rearranging!