
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving From Our Table To Yours~

This post is a little late, but as I like to say..."better late than never."

This morning we awoke to gusty 40+ mph winds, and then IT happened...yes, I had just gotten out of the shower, started applying my makeup, and the first bang was heard, then the next, followed by the lights flickering, then another bang-bang-bang (okay, by now I'd lost count)...and then total darkness, wet hair and all! UGH!!!

We would not regain power until several hours later.  I was just praying it would come back on in time for me to rewet my hair, and dry it prior to having to take the baby to her doctor's appointment.  I know, most would just go with the flow and put it up in a pony tail and call it a day.  Well, I would have too EXCEPT...I cut my hair short a few weeks ago, and let's just ain't pretty left to dry on its own!! LOL  Yes, call me vain...but I was not about to have a bad hair day today.

Fast forward...the table is set, and several dishes are in the oven.  Yes, I cook most ahead of time since we own a condo size oven despite we live in a house big enough for a family of 4 or more!!!  Let's just say our poor little oven and toaster oven get a workout this time of year.

So without further ado...from our table to yours...Happy Thanksgiving.  May your day be Blessed with family, blessings, laughter, and a grateful heart!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

A peek at our Thanksgiving Table & a favorite commercial~

Wanted to share a quick sneak peek at our Thanksgiving table, and share one of our favorite Thanksgiving commercials of all time.

Each year I pull our little chubby couple out when setting the table for Thanksgiving Dinner, and can't help but remember this commercial.  Makes me laugh every time.  Publix has the BEST holiday commercials.  The one for this year has me laughing so hard, tears run down my face.  I mean, "who gave them permission to film my family?"  LOL  I think we can all relate!

Will have more pics of our table tomorrow.  In the meantime, we are enjoying have baby girl home with us!  Thanking God she flew out of Austin and not Dallas.  I feel for those stranded in airports!!!

Monday, November 11, 2013

A Recipe and Some Ramblings~

Hello Everyone!

Finally getting over this bronchial crud I've had for weeks now.  Thought I would share a recipe the hubby and I enjoyed last week.

Fish en Papillote


1/2 red onion, julienned
1 zucchini, julienned
1 large carrot, julienned
1 clove garlic, minced
1 TBS extra virgin olive oil
Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper
4 (4 oz) sole fillets, hake, flounder or other white fish
1 lemon, thinly sliced, seeds removed
8 sprigs fresh thyme

In a bowl, mix your julienned veggies with the garlic, olive oil, salt and pepper.  Place your fish on a piece of parchment paper.  Top the fish with the veggie mixture, a pat of butter, lemon slices (we omitted since I cannot have lemon) and a few sprigs of fresh thyme.  Make a packet with the parchment by first rolling the parchment lengthwise, then rolling the ends towards the middle on both sides.  This ensures that the steam stays in.  Bake in a 350* oven for approx. 11-15 minutes, depending on your cut of fish.

Serve with steamed Jasmine Rice.

So simple, and very delicious.

I just arrived back home last night after spending the weekend in the great state of Texas!  It was mother-daughter weekend for my youngest's sorority.  We enjoyed our time together, and I cannot wait until she is home for Thanksgiving and I can have both my girls home at the same time.

And, let's just say...the team, with their current record so deserves this!!!

The new riverside Baylor Bear Stadium.  Sic 'em Bears!!!

I have been working on a few different projects around the house, and hope to share them this week as well.

Happy Monday!!