
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Spring to Summer Coffee Table Makeover

I love my coffee table in our family room!  We purchased it several years ago at Pottery Barn (I believe they still carry it, but in the darker stain only).  I loved all the little cubbies under the glass that could be changed out with the seasons. 

Now that the weather is warming. Spring has officially arrived, and given our temperatures lately summer is not too far off, I decided it was time to change out the items in our coffee table.  The winter table hosted pinecones, nuts, etc.

We have recently changed most of the decor in our family room to a neutral palette with a little bit of green.  I am loving the changes.  We also moved all the furniture around.  I can't believe how much it opened up the room.  Will post pics soon.

Hope everyone is having a wonderful week!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Prom 2012-Land Before Time

This past Saturday was our daughter's Senior Prom, and despite the dark looking skies and the wind, the rain managed to hold off (it poured last year).

She went with 3 friends from church, and had a ball.  We took pictures at the lovely home of friends of ours (we go to church with them, and their daughter played volleyball with our daughter for 3 years).  They have a beautiful brick staircase leading up to their front door along with huge columns...perfect for pictures.  And, all the dogwoods were in full bloom!

The theme of the prom was Land Before Time.  It was held at a local Museum of Natural History, and they got to dance and party along with the dinosaurs!! Pretty Cool!

The dress, loved that she could wear it on or off the shoulder!

The hair.  She braided her own!
The couple (with straps up).  They matched perfectly!!

The group.  Wonderful Christian, fun loving kids!  All Seniors, college bound!!
The out-takes...

What's that he's pointing at you ask?

That would be her TOMS!  She had the pleasure of driving her friends to Prom in her brand new car (she just got it the day before).  Mom wasn't crazy about her driving in 3 inch heels, so out came the TOMS for driving purposes.  She laughed later saying, if she'd had the sparkley silver ones, she wouldn't have had to change shoes! LOL

The kids had a wonderful time.  They all came back to the house afterward for food, movies and fellowship.  The guys crashed in the basement while the girls slept upstairs.  All were out the door after breakfast together and in church by 10:45!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


What's that you ask?

That would be our pollen count today!  Top picture: a tray on our back porch. Bottom picture: the top of our outdoor bar by our pond.

While we are experiencing beautiful, sunny, 80 degree days...we really can't enjoy them much.  Everything is YELLOW!  I mean, seriously, it looked like it had snowed here this morning, just yellow (and we all know, no matter what, yellow snow is no good! LOL).

Even those who don't have seasonal allergies are suffering this year. 

The upside to the first day of spring???

Hostas are coming up near our pond, we have an overabundance of parsley, and by the looks of the number of blooms, we are going to have a ton of blueberries to pick in just a couple months!!

Since I can't really enjoy being outdoors, I have been busy spring cleaning and rearranging our family room!  Hope to post some pictures later this week.

Happy Tuesday Everyone!

P.S. Quality thoughts for Tuesday will return next week!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Shampoo Warning!





Shampoo Warning

I don't know WHY I didn't figure this out sooner!

I use shampoo in the shower!

When I wash my hair, the shampoo runs down my whole body, and

Printed very clearly on the shampoo label is this warning,


No wonder I have been gaining weight!

Well! I have gotten rid of that shampoo and

I am going to start showering with Dawn dish soap instead.

label reads,


Gotta love this one! (forwarded to me by a close friend) Have a great week everyone!!! Oh, and check your shampoo! LOL

Quality Thoughts for Tuesday~

How can it be that it is almost the middle of March already?  I don't know about the rest of you, but the time change is kicking my bootie! Of course, the fact that I set our new clock an hour ahead on Saturday night and then woke to find it sets itself didn't help matters (yes, that would be a 2 hour leap!). UGH!!!

With the craziness of our past couple of weeks, we are still trying to catch our breath.  My to-do list is ever growing.

But, at least this week I didn't forget my Quality Thoughts for Tuesday Post! So, without further ado...

Quality is remembered long after the price is forgotten. - Gucci Family Slogan

I have to agree with this one!  I've learned the hard way over the years...there are just somethings that are worth paying extra for up front.

Hope everyone has a wonderful week!!

Monday, March 5, 2012

A bit of sunshine~

We are experiencing some CRAZY weather here in the south.  It was near 80 on Friday, and then the terrible storms and tornados rolled is now in the 50s with gusty wind!  To look outside, you would think it was a beautiful spring day, sunny and everything is starting to bloom, but take one step outside and you will be jolted back to reality!!

I was itching for a bit of sunshine indoors, so I picked up these beautiful sunflowers the other day at the market. 

And, I've been meaning to share this Valentine's Day present (hubs was there, but I got  to pick it out)...

I love orchids, but they don't tend to love the fact that this beauty still has blooms on it is quite amazing.  Now, don't get me wrong...I can keep the actual plant alive, I can just never keep the blooms for long and have NEVER been able to get one to rebloom.  This one is actually two plants placed together in the larger container.  I have always had trouble knowing how much water they need.  Well, the directions this one came with (from Trader Joes) said a couple ice cubes, once a week (so in this case, 4, since there are two plants)...I can do that!!!  So far so good.  And, at $21, hubby's exact words, "even if it only blooms for a month, it is still cheaper than me buying flowers every week!" LOL Thanks honey.

Friday, March 2, 2012


Again, no pictures...but they are not needed!

First, thank you to each of you who have left comments or emailed concerning our oldest daughter.  Knowing so many people were lifting her up in prayer helped ease our burden greatly.

Her colonoscopy was this morning, and all looked NORMAL! Praise God!!  They did  do a couple biopsies (routine) and we will have those results in about a week.  However, all indications are that they too will be normal.

However, we still did NOT have the results of her 24 hour urine test (the test for carcinoid syndrome/tumors).  Her gastro doctor told us she would call just as soon as she heard something.

We left her office, and headed to I hop, we were told pancakes would be a good first meal.  On the way there, our daugther checked her phone.  I had heard it ring while she was back having the procedure, but "assumed" it was work related so I didn't answer it.  There was a message from her gyn doctor's nurse (they had run the 24 hour test)...the results were in...NORMAL! Praise God X 2!!!

I think you could hear us all EXHALE at that exact moment.

While we are still awaiting her Celiac tests, we are so very grateful for the good reports we did receive.  If all comes back normal we will be referred to an endocrinologist for further testing.  But, right now we are just so very thankful, and grateful.

I couldn't wait to share the news!!!