
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

A Gift of Verse~

I have a dear friend of mine who over the past few years has presented me with some beautiful tea towels and pillows, with the most heartfelt sentiments on them.  I know a local boutique carries this line, but I recently learned they have an online shop as well.  So, I couldn't resist sharing.  Whether buying for yourself, a loved , or a friend, they have some fabulous gifts to offer!
Beautiful Tea Towels


This one I received as a gift!

Wooden Wall Plaques

Burlap Covered Wall Plaques, adorable!

Embellished Gift Tags

Whimsical Journals

Go check out the site...
Natural Life

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Stylish Blogger Award~

I am so flattered that these two lovely ladies nominated me for this award, as I really admire both of their blogs!! And, I am sure they are no strangers to most of you.


First, I have to share 7 random things about myself.

1) While most consider me a Southern Gal, I was born and raised on Long Island, NY until the age of 10.  So there's a little Yankee in this Southern Girl!

2) I am obsessive when it comes to being organized and neat, much to my family's chagrin.  Don't put that newspaper down for long or you will have to go looking for it in the recycling bin!!

3) I am the only girl out of a family of 4 children.  Can you say, "spoiled daddy's girl?"

4) I never finished college.  I attended Nursing School, hated it, got out, went to work, met hubby, and had our oldest child by age 21!!!

5) I have no idea what my true hair color is, been dying it ever since I can remember.  Let's just say, my little brother 2 years my junior is prematurely gray.  I am sooo not going there!!

6) My house is better dressed then I am.  It is so much easier to shop for!!! LOL

7) I am usually hesitant to try new things, I do not like to fail.

Okay, so now I am to pass the award on to some of my BFF's in the blogging world.  Some of which I know you are already familiar with, some not.

Be sure to check out the blogs of these lovely ladies!!  You won't be disappointed.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Tomorrow's the Big Day!

Sorry, no pretty pictures for this one. Just a quick note to say, while I don't have ALL uniform items back from the printers, I finally did manage to get the jerseys (can't play without 'em).

We are into our 4th Snow Day!! However, it is more ice than snow not fun!!

I will apologize ahead of time for the lack of posts in the next few days. I will be at the gym non-stop, and hope to finally stop and take a deep breath come Tuesday!!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Snow Day Number Two~

We are now into Day 2 of the snow and ice here in the Deep South, and it is a royal mess!! What little melted, has now refroze and it is one big sheet of glare ice out there. While it is pretty to look at, it is wreaking havoc on the roadways. Hubby and our youngest pulled out a car yesterday that had gotten stuck in a neighborhood nearby, and today, he had to get another car out of a snow bank a girl had backed it into. It required 6 others pushing the car sideways, getting it out into the roadway, controlling the car while it spun to the bottom of the hill where he could finally get it safely on a dry patch of roadway. I don't recommend it! He is an experienced, trained driving instructor who also grew up in Michigan...he knows what he's doing, most don't!! I prefer to stay indoors where it is warm and dry.

Needless to say, I am still waiting on player uniforms! And, my printer is snowed in and can't get out of his neighborhood. Yes, I have already had a meltdown (wish it would melt outside). But, I have since come to terms with the fact that "I" don't have any control on the weather!!! We are not expecting temps above freezing for a few more days. Sigh...

Okay, enough whining! Here's some pics we've shot over the past few days.

Hope you are all staying warm and dry!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Snowed Under~

I wanted to apologize for my lack of posts recently. I have been super busy sorting player and coaches gear for the club. All uniform items are supposed to be distributed to both players and the entire coaching staff on Tuesday. However, our weather here tomorrow night might just throw a huge monkey wrench into our plans!! We are expecting up to 5 inches of SNOW!!! Let's just say, my basement looks like a Mizuno warehouse right now, and I am only in possession of 1/2 of the items that will need to be distributed Tuesday, weather permitting!
The plan was for all players and coaches to receive all gear Tuesday night, so that on Thursday night we could have a dry run to make sure everything was in order prior to next weekend's tournament. We'll see what Mother Nature brings tomorrow night. Down here in the South, everything comes to a standstill with just an inch of snow, they are predicting possibly 5!!!
I have a lot of projects planned for this year that I am looking forward to sharing with all of you. But first, I have got to get the 30+ boxes of sporting goods out of my basement!!!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The 1st Charm Revealed...

A few days ago, I wrote a post entitled "A Year of Wishes", showing you all the awesome gift my eldest daughter gave to me for Christmas. Well, the 1st candle burned down enough for us to retrieve the 1st charm. The silver plaque on the front of the candle said balance. At first it appeared to be an anchor of some sorts, but that didn't make much sense. Upon further inspection once removed from the wax, it was a SCALE!!!

Okay, now THAT makes sense. The candle still has plenty of burn time left. We look forward to February's candle, LOVE...any guesses as to what we will find??? I know, that's an easy one!

Monday, January 3, 2011

21 Years Ago Today~

It is hard to believe that 21 years ago today, I gave birth to my first born baby girl!  Over the years she has never ceased to amaze us with her wit, charm, perserverance, good looks, dedication and neverending love.  We are super proud of  all she has accomplished in her 21 years!  She has been a joy to raise, has been a great example of a big sister, and so much more.  Happy 21st Birthday!!

I am also super excited to be guest posting over at Megan's, Honey We're Home, tomorrow!  Megan will have some fabulous bloggers giving their best Organizational Tips over the course of the next couple of weeks.  You don't want to miss this!!  So please join me over at Megan's tomorrow for something Kitchen Organization.